Academic Publications |
Ay, D. (2024). Urban policy and and municipal governance to overcome the care crisis: The Experience of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Nurseries “Child Activity Centres”. Praksis, 65, ISSN: 977-1302-8618-65 (in Turkish).
Bouwmeester, J., Hartmann, T., Ay, D., & Gerber, J.D. (2024). Making room for affordable housing: Project-based negotiations between planning authorities and landowners in Dutch and Swiss densification. Land Use Policy, 144, DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2024.107264 Ay, D. & Penpecioglu, M. (2023). Politics of “waiting for transformation” in protracted urban renewal projects in Turkey. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. DOI: 10.1177/23996544231222138 Verheij, J., Ay, D., Gerber, J. D., & Nahrath, S. (2023). Ensuring Public Access to Green Spaces in Urban Densification: The Role of Planning and Property Rights. Planning Theory & Practice, 24(3), 342-365. Bouwmeester, J., Gerber, J-D., Hartmann, T., and Ay, D. (2023). Non-compliance and non-enforcement: An unexpected outcome of flexible soft densification policy in the Netherlands. Land Use Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2022.106525 Ay, D. and Turker, K.A. (2022). Post-conflict urban renewal as an ethnographic regime practice Racialized governance of redevelopment in Diyarbakir, Turkey. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities. DOI: 10.3389/frsc.2022.880812 Ay, D. and Penpecioglu, M. (2022). Detransformation and Waiting: Institutional Bottlenecks and Precarious Spaces of State-led Urban Renewal. Idealkent, 35 (13), 6-39. DOI: 10.31198/idealkent.975344 (in Turkish). Ay, D., Kaya-Tasdelen, D., Turker, K.A., and Soyukaya, N. (2022). The Character of Diyarbakir’s Surici Quarter is Changed from Residential to Commercial. IV. Historic Cities and Urban Ensembles, World Heritage Watch Report 2022, 197-201. Fischer, E., M. Hakhamaneshi, M. Unal, Y. Alberto, D. Ay, J. Chhabra, B. Isufi, A. Martin, S. Nikolaou, T. Rodriguez-Nikl, E. Toraman, K. Wu. (2020) "VERT Phase 2 Izmir Earthquake Report", in EERI VERT Izmir Earthquake Phase 2 Report. v1 Ay, D. and Demires Ozkul, B. (2021). The strange case of earthquake risk mitigation in Istanbul, City, Ay, D. (2021). Empowering cities to make immigrant integration happen. Ilke Adam, Tunde Adefioye, Serena D'Agostino, Nick Schuermans, and Florian Trauner (eds.), 184-188, VUBPRESS. Dedekorkut-Howes, A., Ay, D. and Demires Ozkul, B. (2020) Two decades of planning for earthquake resilience in Istanbul, Deden Rukmana (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Planning Megacities in the Global South, Routledge. Ay, D. (2019). Diverging community responses to state-led urban renewal in the context of recentralization of planning authority: An analysis of three urban renewal projects in Turkey, Habitat International, 91. Ay, D. and Miraftab, F. (2016). Invented Spaces of Activism: Gezi Park and Performative Practices of Citizenship. in Daniel Hammett and Jean Grugel (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of International Development. Palgrave MacMillan. Ay, D. (2017). Book Review: Cities of the Global South Reader, by Miraftab, F. and Kudva, N., Journal of Planning Education and Research. |